

If you are looking for top-notch and tailored topographical survey services for your next construction project, land development or architectural design, S2P has you covered! We combine traditional techniques with innovative and specialist equipment to highlight features such as buildings, trees, streets, maintenance holes, retaining walls, and utility poles. Our services are aimed at helping you build a complete picture of your site.

Topographical Surveys –
Why Work with S2P?

Why work with S2P?

Benefits of Topographical Survey

Following are the benefits of topographical survey:  

1. Get Full Picture of Land

When it comes to the complex world of design and land development, it becomes paramount that you gain an in-depth and detailed understanding of the land. This is where our topographical surveys step in. By going beyond surface-level assessments through machines such as Total Stations and 3D Laser Scanning, we provide you with a holistic view of the site, covering both on-site and off-site features.

This detailed analysis enables you to gain invaluable insights into potential constraints and engineering challenges throughout the project lifecycle. By gaining this understanding beforehand, you can craft a robust design process. Thus, topographical surveys – when done accurately – become lens through which you can capture nuances of the land such as on-site, off-site, and near-site elements.

Get Full Picture of Land

2. Eliminates Risk of Costly Mistakes

When it comes to design and construction, you know it better than us that even the tiniest of mistakes can result in costly reworks, fines, and legal repercussions. Topographical surveying becomes a shield against such costly mistakes as they help you identify and mitigate issues that might otherwise remain hidden.

As this type of surveys entail detailed and meticulous examination of the land that encompasses on-site, near-site, and off-site elements, they empower you and other stakeholders to identify potential and hidden challenges that can disrupt the seamless flow. The nature of these challenges can vary such as hidden subsurface utilities, unstable soil conditions, and impact of neighboring structure. These surveys highlight these challenges in the exceedingly early stage of development thus enabling architects, engineers, and developers to fix them head-on.

All of this translates into significantly minimizing the likelihood of expensive mistakes throughout the project lifecycle.

Strategic Decision-Making with Topo Survey

3. Strategic Decision-Making

The ability of these surveys to identify potential challenges in initial stages facilitate strategic decision making. When engineers, architects, and all other stakeholders are armed with a thorough understanding of the terrain, they can design strategies that cater to identified challenges.

4. Provide Additional Information to
Design Team & Consultants

Topographical surveys provide critical information to both the design team and consultants at the preliminary stages of the project, thus helping you save time and money. This information includes site levels, spot levels, defined boundaries, and tree data.

For the design team, site levels and spot levels are not less than breadcrumbs as they guide them through the complexities of the terrain. Using this information, your team can tailor their designs to align with natural contours of the land.

Similarly, as these surveys entail the three data, they enrich the early-stage information available to your design team. Early knowledge of the tree canopy helps designers plan layouts, envision spaces, and implement strategies. This wealth of information is available to all stakeholders including designers and consultants, allowing your team to work in tandem.



How Do Topographical Surveys Benefit Your Project?

These surveys bring a wealth of data in the form of 3D models, drawings, and charts. You can use this valuable information to

  1. Pick the right location for new projects such as construction of new building
  2. Avoid encroaching over boundary lines or on buildings
  3. Contemplate possibility of re-positioning current boundaries
  4. Locate natural topographic features to identify need for additional surveys to get through planning
  5. Discover prospects to increase value of your development
  6. Navigate through and slash risks emanating from natural features such as streams, soil, and slopes.
  7. Mitigate the risk posed by natural features like streams, slopes, and soil.
  8. Choose the best location for your proposed structure
  9. And consider on-site, off-site, or near-site risks that could cause engineering challenges throughout project life.

In a country like United Kingdom that consist of vastly different and diverse terrain, there is no one-size-fits all answer. It means every project comes with its unique sets of opportunities and challenges. And if your project is more complex or large, the intricacies associated with it will be huge. To navigate through these complex challenges seamlessly, you will need topographical surveying services.


Thus, if your project requires this survey but you don’t opt for it, the repercussions could be huge, ranging from costly reworks to minor boundary issues, and from project delays to potential structure collapse if something is built too close to the retaining wall.

It depends on the unique requirements of your project. However, when you book a free consultation with our experts, we will try to send over a quote within 24 hours. Once you accept our quotation, we will dispatch the team to your site. In the last phase, our architectural technicians will provide you with data after thorough validation in your desired format. Usually, this complete process is completed within 7 working days.  The topographic survey cost varies from project to project.